Human Health = good food, sleep, and hugs

Human Health = good food, sleep, and hugs

In a recent interview, famous cardiologist Aseem Malhotra explained simple guidelines to restore and maintain health. In the US, 60% of all calories come from ultra-processed food. Just changing your diet changes expected health outcomes for anyone.

Malhotra: “If a list of ingredients has more than 5 items, it is ultra-processed. Don’t eat it. Break the addiction. Go back to whole foods, and very quickly people notice their health getting better, mentally and physically. If your grandmother wouldn’t recognize the ingredients, don’t eat it. Go back to basics.”

He also prescribes: Moderate exercise, a 30-minute brisk walk every day. Good quality sleep. Good social interactions. “Meditation is the thing most proven to improve heart health. Are you hugging enough? Get/give a 20-second hug 10 times a day.” Positive social connections reduce your risk of disease. Happiness=meaningful relationships.

As a community, Waves of Grain families care about food, health, and positive social connections. Join us for regular access to clean, local food.
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